Sunday, March 9, 2008

Three straight days on the mountain bike!

Alright, I swear I'll get better at updating. We've been lucky enough with the weather and the free time to get three straight days in on the mountain bikes! It's still pretty muddy, wet, and in spots (north facing slopes), snowy, but it was great to get the legs moving in circles again. We're hoping to get to Moab this weekend, so that should be awesome! I've been getting some time in on the single speed (bday present! :-), and it's an absolute riot. I have to go in to the office tomorrow, and if I can get my crap together tonight, I'm planning on bike commuting, we'll see how that goes. It'll certainly be dark in the morning, with the daylight savings time today, but the way home should be nice! Today Mike, Devon, Cooper and Buddy and I hiked/rode up Bobsled and slalomed our way back down through the muck and intermittent snow patches, and it was really fun. Cooper finally got a bath, as well, after all of his mudding that he did today. Mike says he needs some mud flaps. Happy Daylight Savings!

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's been a loooooooong while

Alright, my bad. I seem to have abandoned my blog. Whoops. I will blame it primarily on work and snow, both of which have been present in my life in copious amounts lately. I tend to work four 12-13 hour days, which leaves little time during the week for anything but the bare essentials. Friday is usually spent playing Martha Stewart, as I clean the house, do laundry, cook, and get Cooper out for some exercise. Saturday and Sunday, as of late, have been spent enjoying the amazing snow UT is enjoying this year. We've been getting dumped on, to put it mildly, and with the purchase of some new powder skis a month ago, I'm finally enjoying the deep stuff!

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