Friday, November 23, 2007

Food, consumed.

Thanksgiving has come and gone, as has the enormous quantities of food that graced our counter tops. I've consumed copious amounts of turkey, pie, and all of the accessories over the last 24 hours, and it's been delicious. Time to get back to a normal eating pattern, that doesn't involve half of a pumpkin pie in one day! Yikes...

I'm currently enjoying the Jazz game while working on our father's xmas presents; picture collages of our adventures out here in Utah. Stay tuned, they should turn out pretty sweet! Happy late turkey day to everyone! And as long as the snow is absent, get out there and hit some singletrack on the MTB!!! :-)

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gobble gobble gobble

I had to search high and low for a turkey small enough to fit in our roitisserre (sp?)....finally found one weighing in at 9.17 lbs. Sweet, that should work....until we realized tonight that we don't have a freakin' drill bit long enough to put a hole through the turkey to stick the skewer through! Yeah, minor detail. So, now it's thawing, in the hopes that we can stick it tomorrow in time for the Great Feast.

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No snow, but a little chill is in the air

So, we didn't end up getting any snow. Boo. Only Solitude is open, and from the webcams, it looks more like skiing on mud and rocks than on any significant snow. In happier news, that at least means that while it is getting really cold out, the mountain bike trails are still snow-free! Long live long rides...

So the menu tomorrow reads as follows: turkey, cranberry sauce, green beans, carrots, candied yams, mashed potatoes and gravy, Hawaiian sweet bread, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and pecan pie with vanilla ice cream. It's only me, Mike, and Roland for dinner, so Cooper might be called upon to help us out. I'm sure he won't mind!

Tonight's plans...two hours of doubles racquetball with two dudes we met at Gold's last week--should be pretty close for the first game, until they get warmed up and start crushing us. Oh well, it'll feel good to run around a bit!

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Storm today?

Well, any of you that ski or snowboard can join me in my fervrent prayers for significant mountain snowfall today, tonight, and tomorrow. It's forecasted, but you never know...for now, it's overcast and windy (very windy) in the valley, which are good signs. Fingers crossed.....

In other news, in typical Mike style, my husband decided that he would start a massive excavation project on the south end of our garage yesterday at...oh...maybe 2:00. Keep in mind that it gets dark around 5:30 these days. Yes, we were out there till 10:00 pm, with a portable light, moving dirt and rocks. Now we're in a race with the weather--will it rain before we can move the dirt back into the hole, thus turning our driveway into a mudpit of epic proportions? Or can we get it filled back in before Mother Nature dumps on us?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Welcome to my new blog attempt...

So here's a start...I'm notoriously bad at keeping up at blogging, but I got bored, so here I am! I foresee this blog consisting mostly of adventure stories involving two wheels or two skis, with possibly a little variety thrown in every once in awhile with a Cooper story, work rant, or just general observations on our life here in the great state of Utah. Stay tuned....