Wednesday, November 21, 2007

No snow, but a little chill is in the air

So, we didn't end up getting any snow. Boo. Only Solitude is open, and from the webcams, it looks more like skiing on mud and rocks than on any significant snow. In happier news, that at least means that while it is getting really cold out, the mountain bike trails are still snow-free! Long live long rides...

So the menu tomorrow reads as follows: turkey, cranberry sauce, green beans, carrots, candied yams, mashed potatoes and gravy, Hawaiian sweet bread, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and pecan pie with vanilla ice cream. It's only me, Mike, and Roland for dinner, so Cooper might be called upon to help us out. I'm sure he won't mind!

Tonight's plans...two hours of doubles racquetball with two dudes we met at Gold's last week--should be pretty close for the first game, until they get warmed up and start crushing us. Oh well, it'll feel good to run around a bit!

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